Class 4's Amazing Week

Class 4's Amazing Week

Another amazing week in Class 4 filled with fantastic learning, lots of opportunities and fun lessons! Keep it up Class 4.


In Class 4 this week, the children have been learning about 'how to' guides. They analysed a precise passage about Jessica Ennis-Hill and highlighted the different key features that were used. They are now onto researching their sports and sportsperson they are going to write about.


This week in PE, Class 4 were focusing on shape, movement and transition. They travelled around the hall as different animals such as; a dolphin, an orangutan and an ant. After this, they used their movement as inspiration to create shapes for each animal. Here are some of the animals shapes that were creative and showed technique.


All the pupils completed their STAR reading test this week and received their ZPD scores. They all did brilliantly and now have new levelled books to read in school and at home. Class 4 had an afternoon of OTTER (our time to enjoy reading) in the library and it was lovely. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Barber :)