Year 4 Forest School

 Year 4 Forest School Fun

This afternoon Year 4 began by experimenting with camouflaging their hands in the Forest School area and we talked about why animals might need to be camouflaged in the wild. 

The children then had a great time with their chosen activities whilst a small group lit and kept the fire going ready for marshmallow toasting. This group
learnt about how to build the fire to draw the flames upwards and had a go at blowing it at the base of the fire to help new sticks catch alight. Meanwhile, some children set to work making a den using their teamwork and problem solving skills. There was also sawing and drilling to make reindeer decorations out of a slice of hazel and lots of trial and error to make a bow and arrow with the right sort of stick (just bendy enough!)

Once the fire was ready, the children all came one at a time to toast their marshmallow and sandwich it between two chocolate digestives to make a smore. We talked about what we had learnt this afternoon, with many of the children sharing the new skills they had learnt with the group. 

Many thanks to our brilliant volunteers who came to support the children in their endeavours. What a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Mrs Rassell