Class 2's busy week of learning
It's been a busy week of learning in Class 2!
In English, we finished our writing about the Christmas holidays. The children showcased their skills in writing in the past tense, using conjunctions, and structuring their sentences effectively.
In Maths, there was fabulous learning on balancing number sentences and solving problems by finding missing numbers. The children showed great determination and problem-solving skills!
In ICT, we enjoyed creating charts about our classmates' favourite sports. The class began by surveying each other and then inputted their data to make bar, block, and pie charts. The children loved this activity and are becoming more confident and fluent in using the Chromebooks.
In Art, we studied the work of Bridget Riley and explored drawing different types of lines using pencil and chalk. The children were very creative and enjoyed experimenting with new techniques.
In PE, we continued developing our throwing and catching skills. This week, we focused on underarm throwing through games and partner work. The children were especially quick at cleaning up their messy gardens and skillfully throwing the "rubbish" into the bins using underarm throws!
In History we started our new learning on the Wright brothers, and their impact on flight. We learned about their life, and how they developed their designs and inventions until they successfully flew an engine powered plane in 1903. The children depicted these key events in a comic strip.
Well done, Class 2, for another fantastic week of learning!