Times Tables Homework


A gentle reminder that the children should be using TT Rockstar’s to practise their times tables every day for at least ten minutes. This is their maths homework.

As mentioned during the last parents evening, when the children are in year 4, they have to complete a National Multiplication Table Check (MTC).

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics.

This year, it will be between Monday 2 June and Friday 13 June

The multiplication check consists of 25 random multiplication tables questions that could be anything from the 2 all the way to the 12 tables.

They will have 6 seconds to read and answer the questions and they are expected to get at least 20 out of 25 correct. Therefore, speed and fluency in their application is essential.

I have sent home their TT Rockstar login details again after the holiday and again this week but if you have any problems logging in, please ask for help.

Remember, the more the children practise the better they will get!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Baker