A busy week in Class 2

What a fantastic week it has been in Class 2! The children have been working incredibly hard across all subjects, impressing us with their enthusiasm, creativity, and growing independence.

In English, we were blown away by the children’s wonderful independent writing. Using a picture as a prompt, they crafted imaginative stories filled with exciting ideas. It was wonderful to see them writing confidently and taking pride in their work!

In Maths, we have continued our learning about money. The children are becoming more skilled at choosing the correct coins to make a given amount and discovering different ways to make the same total. Their problem-solving skills are really shining through!

In History, we explored the incredible story of Amelia Earhart and her impact on aviation. The children took on the roles of interviewers, eyewitnesses, and Amelia herself, bringing history to life with fantastic performances.

Our Science lesson focused on what plants need to grow and stay healthy. The children even learned a brand-new song to help them remember – hopefully, we can share a video with you soon!

In PE, the children practiced their pivots to change direction quickly and leaped safely between two points. They also got their hearts racing with some energetic shuttle runs—great effort from everyone!

A big well done to all of Class 2 for another brilliant week of learning.