Class 1 Forest School
Pancakes at Forest School!
Today both groups cooked pancakes after making the batter and helping to light the fire. It was an interesting test in patience and understanding that fires can't be turned up very quickly! The children then chose their topping and enjoyed eating round the fire or inside a shelter.
Some of the Reception children also made their hobby horses using old socks, sawdust and sticks and then had a gallop around the mud on them! It was very cold today, but the children were very resilient and managed to stick it out until everyone had cooked their pancake.
Thank you to our fabulous parent volunteers who came to support the sessions in the wind, cold and rain today. I think all your children will have made some wonderful memories and learnt some valuable skills including perseverance, resilience and team-work.
Thank you for all your support for the Forest School sessions as parents too - this is your last lot of muddy kit to wash for a while!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Rassell