Class 4 Homework
Class 4 Homework
Each week Class 4 will have a new set of 10 spellings that will be posted on the blog. Please support your child with learning these over the week. Thank you.
This week's spelling pattern is word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning.
Year 5 Spellings
Each week there will be Maths homework assigned to the children on The pupils have all received their log in details, but if there are any problems or your child has lost their log in details please speak to Miss Barber.
These are short and focused quizzes to support the pupils across all areas in Maths.
With the new updates to, I am now able to set two separate objectives (a year 5 objective and a year 6 objective). This should now be able to support their progression according to their age. Please complete by the end of the week. Thank you.
Have a lovely week!
Mrs Campbell :)