Class 4's Wicked Week

Class 4's Wicked Week

What a fantastic week in Class 4! Our Year 6s worked hard practising for their SATs, while Year 5s mastered times tables and number bonds to 1,000. We also designed a delicious Jewish three-course menu and entered the Young Writers' competition, Wonderverse. Amazing effort, Class 4!


This week in RE, Class 4 continued to explore Judaism, learning how the Torah influences what Jewish people can and can’t eat. We discovered kosher food rules and used our knowledge to create our own delicious three-course Jewish menus. A fantastic mix of learning and creativity—great work, Class 4!

Creative Writing

This week in English, Class 4 unleashed their creativity by entering the Young Writers competition! We crafted our own Wonderverse poems, using imagination and powerful words to bring our ideas to life. A fantastic effort from everyone. Class 4, you are true poets in the making!

Shared Writing

Class 4 and Class 2 shared their fantastic writing today! We read our balanced debates about school uniforms, while Class 2 amazed us with their creative stories about lost things. It was fun listening, discussing ideas, and celebrating each other’s work. A brilliant way to share our writing!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Campbell 💚