Safer Internet Day 2025
The theme
for Safer Internet Day 2025 was ‘Too Good to Be True’.
the day, Class 3 have focused their learning on how to stay safe from scams
while being online.
They learned
the following acronym for scam warning signs:
Sounds too good to be true
Contact you weren’t expecting
Asks for personal details
Money or trade requests
Mistakes in spelling or grammar
Extra urgency
Dodgy sources
They also
learned what to do if a scammer tried to scam them:
CATCH – write any details about the scammer
they can see.
STOP – stop what they are doing immediately
and turn game off.
REPORT – tell a trusted adult and use block
and report tools/button.
In addition,
the children thought how they can play responsibly online by:
· Reporting rubbish behaviour
· Watching their time limits spent
· Being aware of in-game charges.
Remember happy
gamers are safe gamers!
learning Class 3!
Miss Baker